The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) was put in place to prevent discrimination against a woman for being pregnant. The PDA states that there can be no discrimination “on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.” Related medical conditions are used as an overreaching term and therefore includes the issues that come with breastfeeding, as it is intrinsically intertwined with pregnancy. Stephanie Hicks, the plaintiff in Hicks v. Tuscaloosa case, was denied accommodations because of her pregnancy-related medical condition and ultimately resigned from her position.
Author: Steven Mitchell Sack
Don’t Fire An Employee Because Of A Jealous Spouse
Recently, a New York State Court of Appeals restored a gender discrimination case against a wellness clinic. Both defendants were co-owners of the establishment and were husband and wife. The husband had hired the plaintiff in the case as a massage therapist and yoga instructor. The husband acted as the plaintiff’s supervisor and had a professional relationship during her tenure. However, he told Plaintiff that his wife was jealous because she was “too cute.”
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Sexual Harassment At The Plaza
The famous Plaza Hotel, located in New York City, has had a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against it by some of its female employees. The Plaza Hotel is an icon for its famous political figures and entertainers. While many are shocked by the allegations, sexual harassment in the hotel industry is fairly common. According to a recent report, 8 in 10 hotel workers have experienced being harassed on the job.
Changes To The Freelance Law In New York City
In the beginning of 2017, New York City adopted The Establishing Protections for Freelance Workers Act. The law provides that a company must:
- Provide a written contract to a freelance worker for services of $800 or more,
- All payments to a freelancer must be paid on a timely basis and in full; and
- Prohibits retaliatory action against a freelancer for exercising his or her right under the law.
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Steven Mitchell Sack Supports Governor Cuomo’s Legislation to Protect Nail Salon Workers in New York State
Attorney Steven Mitchell Sack, “The Employee’s Lawyer,” says Governor Andrew Cuomo’s legislation that would crack down on nail salons which exploit their workers or operate without a license will provide much-needed protection for the employees who work in dangerous conditions while not being justly compensated.
The Weekends are for Fun!…..Or Are They?
As an employee, you have many responsibilities. As a result, you treasure the time you have off to enjoy your life with family and friends doing the things you love to do. A nice vacation, a golf outing, or maybe just a day at home relaxing are all activities many employees look forward to during the year. But can an employer monitor your activities and penalize you for legal activities outside the office? The answer is more complex than you would think.
Here’s a section of my book The Employee Rights Handbook. Get informed and know your rights!
The Limits to an Employer’s Search
An employer has certain rights to manage his/her business as he/she seems fit, and to ensure a safe working environment. However, an employee, as well as a private individual has certain privacy rights that the law protects. So where is the line drawn between what an employer is allowed to search for and where? And when does an employer’s actions cross the line regarding a search.
As an employee, it is vital to know your rights and to know what to look out for as possible violations by an employer. Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with this area of the law and gives you a glimpse into what kind of questions you should be asking yourself to ensure your employer’s actions are legal. Get informed and know your rights!
Can You Trust A Potential Employer? Here Are Some Tips!
Finding a job is hard enough without having to worry about the integrity of your employer. However, the amount of scams out there is numerous and if a potential employee is not careful, they can be the victim of one that can have major consequences for their career. It is vital to get informed and know what to ask and look for in a potential employer.
Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with tips an employee should know before taking any position at a company. Get informed and know your rights to see how these laws may affect you!
Continue reading “Can You Trust A Potential Employer? Here Are Some Tips!”
The Employer’s Responsibilities Regarding Immigration
The Employer’s Responsibilities Regarding Immigration
Immigration is a controversial topic, especially in the last ten years. And no matter what side of the spectrum you are on, there is one thing for sure: the law is the law.
Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that discusses inspections and employer’s immigration law requirements.
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