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Steven Mitchell

The Employee’s Lawyer®

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Enforcing the workplace rights of thousands of employees, executives and sales reps for more than 44 years.

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FDNY Settles Claims of Racial Discrimination

For years, New Yorkers and individuals around the country have been aware of the ongoing lawsuit that alleged racial discrimination against one of the most notable fire departments in the nation, the FDNY. However, in early March, Mayor Bill de Blasio and his administration have finally brought the lawsuit to an end.

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Texas Construction Worker Dies on the Job

Although many safeguards are put into place to ensure the safety of employees, it is an unfortunate reality that accidents and casualties still occur. Unforeseen mishaps can turn into tragedy all too quickly, as was the recent case with an on-the-job accident involving a Texas construction worker.

One construction worker was treated for hypothermia, while another was pronounced dead after an on-the-job accident took place during construction of the Baylor University football stadium and pedestrian bridge.

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Five Effective Ways to Reduce Lawsuits Resulting from Incidents Occurring at Holiday Parties

According to the executive search firm Battalia Winston, 96% of corporations surveyed stated that they would hold holiday parties for their employees this year ― its highest level since 1997. That is up from 91% last year and 74% from two years ago. The survey also showed that 89% of the companies intended to spend the same as last year or more than last year.

For these companies, attorney Steven Mitchell Sack, “The Employee’s Lawyer,” suggests ways to minimize litigation that may arise from situations brought on during corporate holiday parties.

Mr. Sack’s tips include:

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Steven Mitchell Sack Offers Five Effective Ways to Reduce Lawsuits Resulting from Incidents Occurring at Holiday Parties

Attorney Steven Mitchell Sack, “The Employee’s Lawyer,” suggests ways to minimize litigation that may arise from situations brought on during corporate holiday parties.

Mr. Sack’s tips include:

  • Distribute a zero tolerance memo for sexual harassment. The document should define what constitutes inappropriate behavior and remind workers that anyone who commits sexual harassment before, during, or after the party will be subject to strict penalties, including possible immediate dismissal.
  • Consider making the party an alcohol-free event. If alcohol is served, then the company should hire experienced bartenders only (as opposed to volunteer company employees), who are trained to stop serving liquor to those who have imbibed too much. The company should also consider offering car service where applicable.
  • Schedule the party when office hours have concluded to avoid claims of failing to pay wages and overtime for hourly workers who attend the function or are required to attend.
  • Consider having the event at a location away from, or not affiliated with the company. This will reduce the risk of theft of company property, trade secrets, or other valuable assets that can go missing at such events.
  • Inform employees to act discreetly when taking pictures. Posting photographs on social networking sites that are provocative or embarrassing can be detrimental to the business. This is the not the kind of publicity any employer desires.
“The holiday season should be a time for celebration,” said Mr. Sack. “However, when rejoicing with colleagues during such festivities, employees should keep these instructions in mind. There is no need to ruin an enjoyable experience with unfortunate incidents that could have been easily avoided.

For more information, call (917) 371-8000 or visit


Can Your Employer Legally Be a Snoop?

As you’re at work, it is likely you send many emails a day, perhaps even a few personal emails. As a result, employees wonder about an important question: Whether during a break or during your paid time, is it ok for your employer to look through your emails or other correspondence without your permission? The answer is not so simple. Employers have more rights than you would think when it comes to snooping around in your work email, however, the laws vary from state to state and largely depend on the company’s written policies and contracts with its employees. Yet that doesn’t mean as an employee, you are not protected. Employees still have rights, and it is vital that you understand yours.

Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with the “do’s” and “don’ts” when it comes to what an employer can look at. Get informed and know your rights to see if your employer is crossing the line!

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Age is Just a Number…Or At Least It Should Be

As the economy took a turn for the worse, many individuals that would have reached retirement age have chosen to stay in the workplace longer in order to stay afloat with their bills. Out of necessity, it is a reality that many older employees are in the workforce more than ever before. However, many employers have enacted illegal business practices in an attempt to rid their companies and businesses of the older generation. This, fortunately, is protected under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and should be taken very seriously.

If you or a loved one believes that you have been fired or received poor treatment as a result of your age, you may have a legal claim. Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with just that. Read now and get informed!

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A Right to Money After Being Fired

Have you been fired right before an expected bonus or other anticipated financial benefit? If so, you may still have a claim to that money that you were owed.

Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with just that. Read now and get informed!

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Negotiating Strategies to Achieve Maximum Compensation (Part Four)

“What will happen, God forbid, if something happens to someone in my family?” This is a scary question for anyone, but especially terrifying for someone who has just lost their job and their health benefits. After you are fired, many stresses and concerns run through your head. One of these concerns is what will happen to medical benefits.

Fortunately, there are several options and ways for you to receive your medical benefits after termination that can give you enough time to secure another job and/or find a permanent solution. But you will be taken advantage of time and time again if you do not educate yourself about your options, the system, and the law. Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with just that. Read now and get informed!

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Negotiating Strategies to Achieve Maximum Compensation (Part Three)

For almost every individual, security in the future is a critical aspect of life. Employees often have this concern for their future and contribute into a retirement account or plan for the unknown with a long-term savings plan.

Knowing how to negotiate after being fired in a way that may save your goals and long-term hopes of future security regarding retirement is crucial in your fight for what you deserve. Here’s a section of my book “The Employee Rights Handbook” that deals with just that. Read now and get informed! 

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Negotiating Strategies to Achieve Maximum Compensation (Part Two)

As part one in this series states, employees deserve the right to negotiate in order to attempt to achieve the best options possible. Here is Part two which describes other aspects of the work place and negotiating strategies.

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    I had a great experience working with Steven Sack recently relating to a recent job separation from my former employer. He is straight to the point, very knowledgeable, and easy to work with. I absolutely recommend his services to anyone that needs an employment attorney.
    It was a pleasure to work with Mr. Sack. He addressed my concerns promptly and honestly, and was always accessible when I had any questions or concerns. Mr. Sack worked both for me, and with me, keeping me abreast of any and all updates to my matter. I did not even have a chance to worry as he was always on top of every detail! His communication and organizational skills are exceptional. I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Sack for all of your employment needs.
    Steven Sack is great. I found him online and he’s worked with me on a couple of occasions. He helped me negotiate with my former employer and was able to get results. I highly recommend him.
    I had a great experience working with Steven Sack during my recent job separation. He was incredibly professional, knowledgeable, and genuinely cared about achieving the best outcome for me. Thanks to his expertise, we were able to secure additional benefits beyond my original severance package, for which I am truly grateful. Steven guided me through the entire process with clear communication and support, making a challenging situation much easier. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of a dedicated and effective advocate!
    Highly professional and a wonderful attorney. Thank you.


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