When an employee suffers from a wrongful termination from their job, it can cause them to suffer significant personal and professional harm. Not only does it mean they have lost their current job, but it can make it harder for them to get a job in the future. But what exactly does it mean to suffer from a wrongful termination, and what should you do if it happens to you?
What is Wrongful Termination?
In simple terms, wrongful termination is when someone is fired for an illegal reason. This may seem confusing, especially for at-will workers who can theoretically be terminated for any reason at all. However, even at-will employees are entitled to certain protections, and may be able to seek compensation if they are fired for a reason that is prohibited by law.
Why Might Someone Be Wrongfully Terminated?
There are a number of reasons someone might experience a wrongful termination. For example, they may be the victims of discrimination from their employer, or they may be fired for reporting misconduct they witness. A firing may also be considered illegal if it is considered retaliation for a worker engaging in collective bargaining or for otherwise exercising their legal rights as an employee. Finally, an employee who has an employment contract may specify what conditions they may be legally fired for, meaning it would be illegal to fire them for any other reason.
What Are the Consequences of Wrongful Termination?
When people are the victims of wrongful termination, the most immediate consequence is that they lose their job, along with associated pay and benefits. However, there can also be significant professional consequences, as an employer that wrongfully terminates an employee may try to paint them in a light that makes them look bad to other companies in the field. This can make it harder to find work, or force them to accept a new position with worse pay or benefits than they might otherwise be able to get.
What Should You Do?
If you have been the victim of a wrongful termination, you should speak to a lawyer with experience handling employment law matters. They can help you to go over your case, and determine what legal options you may have available to you. The sooner you get in contact with them, the sooner they can get to work on your case.
Steven Mitchell Sack, the Employee’s Lawyer, is a New York employment lawyer with more than 44 years’ experience handling the many aspects of employment law. His new book, “Fired!: Protect Your Rights & FIGHT BACK If You’re Terminated, Laid Off, Downsized, Restructured, Forced to Resign or Quit,” is available in hardback, and contains valuable advice on dealing with employment and labor law issues. To purchase the book, feel free to contact Steven Sack at 917-371-8000 or visit the website at legalstratpub.com. To inquire about a legal matter, please feel free to contact attorney Steven Sack at 917-371-8000 or stevensackatty@hotmail.com.